Robotic Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery in NYC

What is robotic inguinal hernia repair?

An inguinal hernia occurs in the lower abdomen or groin area. Typically, it is repaired using laparoscopic or open surgical techniques, however, it can also be restored using robotic hernia repair. This involves inserting a robotic tool into the lower abdominal area to repair the damaged portion of the abdominal wall where the hernia occurred.

Robotic inguinal hernia repair can result in less pain, less scarring, and quicker recovery than open surgery. If you require a robotic inguinal hernia repair, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Reiner in NYC. Dr. Reiner is an expert in laparoscopic and robotic hernia repair, having performed over 2,500 successful hernia surgeries in his lifetime. Dr. Reiner is also a Professor of Surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, one of the best hospitals in the country.

Why is robotic inguinal hernia repair performed?

Robotic inguinal hernia repair is sometimes a better option for patients who are seeking a quicker recovery and less visible scar placement. This procedure, especially in some cases of recurrent inguinal hernia repairs, gives better visualization because of its 3D optics, reducing potential difficulties encountered when doing recurrent inguinal hernia repairs. You may be a good candidate for robotic assisted inguinal hernia repair if you suffer from any of the following symptoms of an inguinal hernia:

  • Groin pain or discomfort (especially when you cough, bend over, or lift heaving objects)
  • Pressure in the groin area
  • Weakness in groin area
  • A bulge or lump near the pubic bone
  • Aching or burning sensation near bulge

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What does robotic inguinal hernia surgery involve?

Before surgery, you will be given an anesthetic to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. During the robotic surgery, your doctor will make very small incisions into your lower abdomen, through which a special robotic tool will be inserted. The tool uses precise targeting to repair the hernia and then solidify the abdominal wall to prevent future hernias.

After the procedure, your surgeon will discuss the next steps for your recovery process and will inform you about when you can return to regular activities and sports.

What are the advantages of undergoing robotic inguinal hernia repair with Dr. Reiner?

Choosing to undergo robotic inguinal hernia repair with Dr. Mark Reiner can offer the following benefits:

  • Quicker recovery
  • Minimal pain
  • Less scarring than traditional open surgery
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Quicker return to full unrestricted activity


Watch Dr. Reiner’s Video Explaining Who Should Undergo An Inguinal Hernia Repair

When I went to your office with my diagnosis of two inguinal hernias, I already had formed opinions of the discomfort, pain and limited activity I would suffer… To hear you say I would be on a stationary bike or treadmill the day after my laparoscopic double hernia operation was unbelievable. However, I trusted you and was impressed by the length of time you spent explaining the procedure, going over all aspects of the surgery and recovery period. The day of the surgery came, and you made me feel at ease… To say I was shocked is at a minimum, to find myself being able to get on and do a stationary bicycle the next day. Back to work on the third day after surgery and playing golf (better than ever) the following weekend. It is not often people live up to their promises, and you did. Thank you.

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If you are suffering from an inguinal hernia, you may be a good candidate for robotic inguinal hernia repair. Dr. Mark Reiner is a top surgeon in the field of minimally invasive hernia repair, and has performed thousands of successful hernia operations. Contact Dr. Reiner today by calling 212.879.6677 or filling out the form on this page.

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